Sad news in the world of critical studies of SF, this month marks the release of the 20th, and last, issue of the Internet Review of Science Fiction (IROSF).
As collections of essays and reviews, issues of IROSF were always thought-provoking, sometimes entertaining, occasionally annoying, but never dull. Publisher Blunt "Bluejack" Jackson and Editor-in-Chief Stacey Janssen are to be commended for providing a forum where members of the SF community could challenge each other to look at the genre(s) in ways we might not have thought of before. The study of SF is diminished as a result of the loss of this online publication.
Last summer, I signed-on as a volunteer Editor with the site. While various personal commitments prevented me from participating as much as I wanted to, I was able to pitch-in now and then with vetting new submissions and editing accepted works, and I'd like to extend my deepest thanks to Stacey and Blunt for the allowing me the privilege to support their team.
If you haven't checked-out IROSF before, I'd certainly recommend visiting the site and looking through its archives.
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